Thursday, June 12, 2008


Today's my lucky day! My mummy finally allows me to have a pet! Yay! I’ve wanted to have one for a very long time. However, I didn't know that the task of choosing a pet isn’t as easy as it seems. It not only takes your blood, sweat, and tears away but also a whole bunch of headache and tummy ache and all other aches there is for me to just find my own sweet pet. Ah but now, the freedom to finally be able to pick one after years of going to one pet house to another is simply alluring.

...And there it is! I’ve found the one that I want! It’s not a kitten nor is it a puppy. It’s not a duck or even a mighty tiger. As my pet, I anteater! Oh my, the beauty of that anteater in front of my eyes. It’s round and lovely, almost defenseless like a rabbit. Yet it has a tough skin that I can be sure I don’t need to be there to tend for it 24/7. Aah, the perfect pet for the imperfect me who always needs a companion.

Oh but wait! I forgot one minor technical problem when I brought my anteater home. My anteater is actually shy! It always rolled its body when I’m near. Oh why do you do that?! I thought you’d be my perfect companion but now you’re embarrassed of yourself. Why???

Yes, my old cats were very confident of themselves. Yes, they made me search for them day in and day out. They did that as if they don’t need me but the truth is they do come back to me for food and shelter. You think I like that? They were too cocky for my liking. But I like you my anteater... You’re soft and tough at the same time. You’re sweet and nice too. All I can say is you’re as unique a pet as I can get and none can be better than you are. But why is it too hard for you to accept that?



Please… I’m begging you… I would never ever hurt you just for being an anteater… Open up to me please because I know you want to…


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