Sunday, January 4, 2009

I Miss

I miss...
the playground where I sprained my ankle after jumping off a swinging swing.

I miss...
the road I experienced my first 'crash' while on a bicycle, head on with a parked car because I cycled close-eyed.

I miss...
where I learned to ride the 'big bicycle' with Zaida and then taught her the skill when I've mastered it.

I miss...
driving pass the huge longkang by my school where I fell and had to be taken home - the only time - by my brother. There's always that story to tell...

I miss...
the first 'Giant mall' ever built in Malaysia where I spent hours doing nothing with my little friends after school.

I miss...
the drain I used to play in, searching for either cats or tadpoles.

I miss...
the slide which I didn't use as a slide but as a the place I played masak-masak.

I miss...
Jalan AU5 which used to look so wide when I was 13, crossing it with my bicycle on the way to school.

I miss...
Masjid As-Sobirin which for me is the perfect masjid.

I miss...
the playground Shila and I used to 'rest' while eating ice cream after jogging not more then half an hour.

I miss...
the 'kedai mamak' near AU16 playground because that was my Roswell before college.

I miss...
the killing hill I had to cycle/walk on the way to or back from school. Thank God for Whitey.

I miss...
the 7E Fayyadhah and I used to go to buy Harry Potter cards.

I miss...
Titian Cahaya where Naz used to seem so cool to me. Used to. (kidding!)

I miss...
sleeping with the sound of screeching cars to calm me down.

I miss...
being able to 'run' to KLCC whenever I need to buy a nice dress or something.

I miss...
the broken kitchen floor where I would disturb Kak Nor cooking just to put on my sour face when she scolded me.

I miss...
my dad's old studio because that's where I fell from his bookcase and cut my lips, imagining it as a hill.

I miss...
the AV room I first learned to play guitar.

I miss...
the living room where I would walk from one end to the other without touching the floor...a game my parents don't know about...until now.

I miss...
the space under the stairs where I used to lie down and create stories in my mind.

I miss...
the dining hall wall that surrounded me day in and day out as I studied for PMR, SPM, and everything else in between.

I miss...
the family hall I first played Shenmue.

I miss...
my parents bedroom, where I slept in till I was nine.

I miss...
my brother's room where we read his acceptance letter from MRSM together.

I miss...
my room, where life unfolds.

I miss 94, Jalan Permata 2, Taman Permata, 53300, Kuala Lumpur. I miss it badly.

But it's no longer mine...

Another girl is going to experience the wonder that I did growing up in that small, crowded, yet convenient and lively environment.

I may just 'started' in life, but the place I started is where my roots are.

Goodbye my home.

At least I learned one thing. A home is not a place. It is what you call as your own.


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