Wednesday, February 11, 2009


I know a lot of girls who love to take pictures, especially of themselves. Thus, the new slang of the century - camwhore. It's not just me nor is it just a regional phenomenon for we can see everywhere the addiction to America's Next Top Model and the sudden rise in popularity of DSLR cameras. But me, being the DSLR owner, I love to take pictures more than to be in the pictures.

No, I don't think I'm THAT ugly. And neither am I embarrassed to take pictures of myself. I'm willing to pose if I'm asked to (the product of having to pose for my father since I was, like, 3). But still, none can compare to the feeling that I get when I took good pictures especially of my friends having fun. Priceless. For experiences can't be repeated.

I do love photography. And my favorite subjects are human beings. I've always dreamed of taking at least one portrait per day since I was in high school. I love people, I love emotions and expressions, a sincerity you can never get elsewhere. So when some people pity me for not having a lot of my own pictures in my computer, I feel pity to that person myself. Although I'm beautiful *cough*, I enjoy capturing the beauty of others more. I don't mind being the photographer. I don't mind being the person 'behind the scene'. What I capture is mine to share with the world.

Let's put it this way: I love taking pictures. Therefore, taking that joy of mine away from my hands is as much a sin as changing the channel when I am watching the Grammys.



rassyid said...

point taken

diana said...

ahh syaza i didn't know u think of taking pictures that way. for me i like taking pictures of every little thing all the time, like ur father does, because i'm a sentimental who wants to remember every second of my life if that's possible. that and the fact that i *do* love having my picture taken, bcos i like to put them up everywhere and bcos u know what a vainpot i can sometimes be, are why i like to have myself/face be included in these photos that are to serve as reminders for my memory. especially when i'm with you or other photographers bcos usually the people around me that i hang with semuanya adalah tak semangat ambik gambar and i je sorang2 yg syok sendiri, resulting in very little pics of my own self sbb i sibuk ambik gambar orang and benda lain je. so when i'm with you i lebih2 la, cos i know u like taking pics of people and u ARE good at it. and i feel guilty if i keep asking u to do that without having many of urself pun. but now i know u think this way, i tak malu2 lagi ye. and teruskan usaha anda untuk mengambil gambar orang :P

Syaza said...

haha no prob diana. i guess i dh biase diambil gmbr oleh my dad kot, tu dh boring tgk muke i kat flickr die :p

Farah Alias said...

yea yea! lepas nie ambil gamb saya pula ye. saya suka gamb sy diambil(walaupun sy huduh!).haha

eliza dzulkafli said...

happy birthday kak!

diana said...

happy birthday juga!

Unknown said...


sulinn said...

hi syaza. was strolling through diana's list of blogs and spotted urs. Sorry so lambat. But i like this post. U know what's also good when you take good pictures of ur friends? They're all smiling at you(the cam actually but same alsola..)!! which is something nice to look at for me. Hahaha!

Syaza said...

thanks to elly diana n pia for the wish :)

n farah, insyAllah, one day :)

Sulin! thx for leaving a comment! u'r right n i never realize that :O they are smiling at me. they love me! haha.