Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Winter Break

It has been a while since I had so much fun! It started last weekend when Pittsburgh suddenly turned white. Even though it was cold, Rassyid and I found an excuse to go out (which is to buy plants for our home). We thought that was to be our only outing, until I received a text from our seniors, inviting us sliding in the snow. It was honestly fun sliding at night, when there was no other person in the park except for us.

The next day was our "Ladies' Night", which I accidentally ruined. Six of us went out to watch the ballet, Nutcracker. The ballet was nice and all, both colorful and beautiful. But when we were deciding where to go for dinner, I called my husband, who was watching American football for the first time. Since he hadn't had dinner yet, I invited him to have dinner with us, and that's how it changed to another "Malaysian Night" with the rest.

And then on Wednesday Diana arrived in Pittsburgh! Rassyid and I went to the Greyhound station after subuh and thankfully, Diana was getting out of the bus when we arrived. Took her home, and brought her to Market District, since she never went to a pasar in the US since her arrival :p Then I checked my Facebook page just to find out that ASILAH will arrive that same night! So around 10 we went to the station again, this time for Asilah, Aina, and her sis, Kak Aimi. Since it was already late, we were only able to serve them Maggi :(

On Thursday we took them too Monroeville Mall as Aina wanted to shop before New York. I think Rassyid was most shocked when he saw Aina going into a store and grabbed everything she like. I was glad though that they enjoyed themselves. It was sad that the store had to close early for Christmas Eve and we did not even reach the other wing of the mall!

On Friday it was raining. We can't do much anyway since it was Christmas, so I took them to Pitt, our school. Unfortunate for us, school was closed (obviously). But somehow, one of the Cathedral's door was unlocked! At least they were able to get an 'inside look' of the most famous building of Pitt.

On the three's last day, I took them to see The Nutcracker - again! I've watched it but Rassyid hasn't, so I thought why not take all of them. It was a nice show anyway, so I didn't mind paying the discounted student price. Then we went to Mt Washington, the second most beautiful view in the States. It was night, so we can't point many of the buildings; nonetheless the view was beautiful. And finally, Aina's favorite part - shopping! On the way back we stopped at Burlington, and again, Aina went crazy over the cheap stuff. A few hours later, Rassyid and I were on the bus again towards 11th st to bid farewell to Asilah, Aina and Kak Aimi.

But no worries, Diana is still with us! We already have plans for New Year's Eve, and today I cooked Nasi Lemak again, specially for her. Hopefully she'll not feel too bored in Pittsburgh!


1 comment:

Rassyid said...

wow. we did many things jugak ek this break. hehe. jom avatar. org lain semua dah tengok.