Wednesday, August 8, 2007

Bad Luck/s

Hmh.... Today is quite an interesting day. Okay i just realize that whenever i wrote an entry on how my life has been a routine, something unexpected is sure to happen! Am i suppose to learn from it and keeps my mouth shut next time? Hmh...

Today's first class was chemistry...God I’ve never felt that sleepy for a long time! The weird thing was that Sofiya and I slept around 12 the night before and basically I got 6 hours of sleep but I still felt sleepy! The day before when I just slept for 3 hours, I felt so fresh waking up! But to tell the truth, I’ve realized that about myself (how I'm fresher if I have less sleep hour...) since three years ago, that's why I always sleep late...

After Chem, is ENL. I guess ENL is slowly growing unto me and turning into my favorite subject, because Ms Judy is so creative in teaching us, kind of like my favorite teacher, Mrs Maninder. First we had to fill in lyrics to the song Longer by some Dan... It was kind of cute. After that we had to draw a picture and our 'piece of art' was put on the wall for the whole class to see! Kind of like kindergarten. But my favorite part of the day was during the break... KAPAL TERBANG KERTAS! OMG! I totally miss that feeling! I thought once I went to college that habit will die but I guess it doesn't! Whenever I see sheets of paper I'll instinctively picked it up and make a rocket out of it. And at my previous school, if there's paper plane scattered around the corridor, there's only two people involved. Either my abang man or me! I miss being crazy like in the old days...

After that was the worst class so far. I so hate psychology right now. Not the 'thing' per se, but my course... I still don't get it WHY we have to waste TWO hours of our time scrutinizing over something that is so...petty. But I didn't complain because I’ve learned of all this. When I was younger, I used to rebel and get pretty totally angry towards my teachers if I don't agree with something. But slowly, they told/taught me that my way of getting the message across was wrong. Of course at first I'm very egoistic and did not accept it but slowly I do see that of myself (I can't judge my own self) and I’ve learn to shut up not because I'm willing to conform to what I am against, but out of respect since they ARE the teachers. And elderly. If I have something to say these days, I'll make sure it's something intellectual first not because I'm afraid of being ridiculed, but I believe that you do more thinking when you're not talking (I’ve done an experiment on it. Ask my friends.) People can totally speak out if they want but maybe I'm too eastern that I believe in social harmony...

Anyway, I mean, fine, even if Dr Fulton honestly feel that he's way is way better than ours, the best he can do is guide us but then respect whichever way we choose to take. As if he kept on 'preaching' how it's OK to be in different school of thoughts in psychology, but he just doesn't practice what he preached. As in, RESPECT DIVERSITY IF IT WORKS FOR EACH OF US. Guidance is necessary, but not force.

After that was more bad news. JPA just suddenly decided that we have to take a mock SAT 1 test by NEXT THURSDAY. Don't they get it? SAT is a totally new thing for us, how do they expect us to master it in time? The outcome is, if we DON'T meet JPA's cut-off point, we'll get cut out from applying to IVY LEAGUES... Which is OK to some who never want to go to the US in the first place nor dream of the ivy but I have dreamed of it since I decided to do psychology... Like years ago... I'm really devastated but I don't show it. I'll just have to try my best and trust in God, he'll lay the RIGHT path for me...

All in all, what a day...


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